Chain of Command

Official photo of Dr. Kimberly Kelly.

Dr. Kimberly Kelly

OPC 305 Box 19
USAG Daegu Camp Walker
APO, AP 96218
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Attendance Attendance 0503-363-6108
STP Coordinator Teacher STP Coordinator
Athletic Coordinator Teacher - Athletic Coordinator 315-763-6108
Academic Coordinator Teacher - Academic Coordinator 315-763-6108
Brian Durrant School Nurse/Health Aide 0503-363-6101
Rachel Guilfoyle Information Specialist 050-3363-6107
Chi-UN Kim School Meals Program 82-503-363-6127
John Martinez Transportation 315-763-6108
Sherry Meier School Webmaster
Registrar Registrar 050-3363-6108
School Counselor School Counselor 05033636113
School Psychologist School Psychologist 050-3363-6107

School Hours

Tuesdays are Early Release days.

  Regular Hours Tuesday Hours
Office Hours 0800 - 1600 0800 - 1600
School Hours 0830 - 1500 0830 - 1400
HS Lunch Hours 1130 - 1200 1130 - 1200
MS Lunch Hours 1205 - 1235 1215 - 1245

Daegu Middle High School Bell Schedule

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

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