Mr. Willard E. Clites


Mr. Willard Earl Clites IV most recently served as Assistant Principal at Humphreys West Elementary School. He is excited and humbled for this new opportunity to serve Daegu Middle High School students, staff, families, and the USAG Daegu military community within the Pacific West District.

Mr. Clites completed his undergraduate studies at Brigham Young University-Idaho earning a degree in Elementary Education and conferred a Masters of Education in Educational Leadership by the American College of Education. His teaching career started in Las Vegas, NV and has since taught students in grades 2nd through 6th. Out of his 16 years in education, 8 years were teaching within DODEA where he taught children at schools in Japan and South Korea. As an Assistant Principal, he gained experience in both the elementary and secondary educational settings serving in multiple schools throughout Germany and South Korea.

Mr. Clites is passionate about the collaborative learning process and is eager to grow together with those he serves as they share knowledge, skills, insights, and expertise to improve the educational experience. He is committed to academic excellence and firmly believes that all students are capable of high achievement as they actively engage in rigorous, relevant, and differentiated College and Career Ready Standards-based activities. He knows empowering students to become active learners, problem solvers, and critical thinkers, inspires them to reach their fullest potential as contributing and successful citizens in an increasingly dynamic world. He is equally dedicated to establishing strong and positive partnerships with parents and the military community which are essential to enriching and enhancing each student’s experience.

Mr. Clites is grateful to be accompanied by his lovely wife of 20 years and their six children. He is a product of DODEA as his father was a career U.S. Air Force pilot and understands firsthand the opportunities and challenges that military-connected families and children experience. He looks forward to joining the Warrior Family and is excited to continue building upon the established reputation of Daegu Middle/High School being the best place to learn and work in DODEA.

Mr. Willard E. Clites, DoDEA employees official photo.

Mr. Willard E. Clites


OPC 305 Box 19
USAG Daegu Camp Walker
APO, AP 96218
United States

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